Aug 08 2024 46 mins
In this episode Taylor & Scott share a deep dive into a conversation around masculine provision and feminine receiving in a relationship. This is a conversation around how to take 'traditional gender roles' to an elevated perspective that serves both man and woman to rise into their highest truth and potential in a relationship.
- We talk about the extremes of hyper-independence as a woman, and on the other side, co-dependance and self abandonment for a relationship.
- When you're a powerful, ambitious woman who that doesn't align with traditional roles, being a stay at home Mom/homemaker but don't want to be a single, provide-it-all mom either.
- Our version of a conscious, purpose led masculine and feminine dynamic in a relationship.
- Taylor shares about her own experience as a woman and how deepening her relationship to receiving from a man has been incredibly humbling, challenging and deeply rewarding.
- We also discuss how being disconnected from our true essence stems down to wounding we have from societal stigmas, shame and childhood conditioning.
- We discuss what it means to be a woman in our creatrix energy and how it goes far beyond just making money, but our ability to receive life and what is gifting to us.
- And finally Taylor answers the question of "How do I attract a provider man when I am needing to survive and meet my own needs?"
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