Michael Meade is a renowned storyteller and scholar of mythology, anthropology, and psychology, who draws from his study of archetypal myths, ancestral wisdom and cross-cultural rituals to interpret our remarkable moment in human history. While many of us are attempting to recognize our own self-terminating patterns and inhabit new ways of being human, Michael helps us to see the stories we are living, and the new stories that are calling us.
He is the author of many books, including The Genius Myth, Fate and Destiny, Why the World Doesn’t End and The Water of Life. He is also the founder of Mosaic Multicultural Foundation, a nonprofit organization that initiates innovative projects and unifying events that support and educate at-risk youth, refugees, combat veterans, and communities in need.
- Michael Meade and Mosaic Multicultural Foundation
- ARTS AND PRACTICES - Antidotes to Overwhelm Sources of Resilience
- Michael Meade podcast, videos and essays
- Facing the Cascade of Crises: A SAND Community Gathering with Michael Meade and Gail Brenner
- Holding the Thread of Life: Michael Meade (Live at SAND 19) (heard in the episode around 38:00)
- Drumming at the Edge of Magic by Mickey Hart
00:00 Introduction
02:11 US Elections and Political Climate
02:48 Cultural and Environmental Unraveling
06:42 The Role of Uncertainty and Inner Self
08:09 Mythology and the Deeper Self
10:25 Rite of Passage and Personal Transformation
18:47 The Genius Myth vs. The Hero Myth
23:47 The Nature of the Soul and Family Expectations
28:26 Discovering Your Calling in Descent
29:30 The Whisper of Genius
31:01 Flattening of Modern Culture
31:53 The Role of Inspiration in the Arts
32:40 The Power of Practice
33:19 The Sound of Creation
37:02 "Holding the Thread of Life" (Excerpt) live at SAND 19 by Michael Meade
40:25 Quieting Down to Hear the Call
41:47 Expressing Emotions for Healing
46:32 The Importance of Grief and Compassion
48:57 The Magic of Words
53:27 Connecting with Mythological Ideas
54:50 Conclusion and Future Conversations
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