Jan 09 2025 39 mins
How does true service unfold when you let go of pressure, ego, and external expectations?
In this soulful conversation, we explore the essence of service through 1) the natural embodiment of all that you are and 2) a deepening devotion to Spirit. Together, we uncover how simply BEing (fully and authentically) can become the ultimate act of service.
Key Takeaways:
- Service as Natural Embodiment: Discover how your deepest offering lies in being intimately connected to yourself and expressing the fullness of who you are.
- Letting Curiosity Guide You: Explore how divine curiosity can lead you to aligned contributions without forcing outcomes or succumbing to societal pressure.
- Local Before Global: Trust that serving where you feel most drawn naturally creates ripples that God extends into meaningful impact.
- Releasing External Validation: Overcome the pull of comparison and honor the unique way your soul is designed to serve.
- Christ Consciousness & Divine Timing: Draw inspiration (not imitation) from figures like Jesus, reframing your role in the collective while honoring the rhythm of your soul’s expansion.
- Service as Exploration: Embrace service as a journey of discovery, allowing it to evolve and flow through you as you experiment with what makes you come alive.
This episode will leave you feeling deeply empowered, deliciously connected, and inspired to step into the next level of your sacred service. Listen/watch now and catalyze how you’re meant to serve from the core of your being!
So much love,
Laura 🧚
About your hosts:
Laura Mazzotta (The Akashic Therapist) holds many titles, but Source knows her as a living, breathing spirit guide for the collective. As a Master Reiki Teacher, Holistic Therapist of 20 years, and profound channel, her potent wisdom will awaken your body, mind, and soul into recognition of its highest timeline. Take her hand and be fully seen as she gently guides you into your deepest embodiment with discerning clarity, loving compassion, and piercing presence. Find her HERE.
Ninoshka Perez (aka Walking Orgasm) is an Akashic Reiki Master Teacher who practices and embodies all kinds of sacred medicine on her deeply devotional path with Source. When she speaks, receive. Her insights and voice are the deepest nourishment. Find her HERE.
Jenna Greengold (The Conscious Alchemist) is an Akashic Reiki Master Teacher who elevates every interaction with her bold embodiment of unity consciousness. She exudes the highest love and will call you forward into the most dynamic version of yourself. Find her HERE.