The Teaching on Reclaiming Our Truth with Scottee

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Feb 04 2025 77 mins  

In this deeply personal and thought-provoking episode, Jivana spends time with artist and yoga teacher Scottee to explore identity, accessibility, and the power of yoga to support marginalized communities.

Scottee shares stories of growing up in working-class North London to finding yoga as a form of healing and expression. Together, they discuss the intersections of queerness, class, neurodivergence, and yoga, questioning how yoga spaces can be more inclusive and equitable and a source of support in the current political climate.

In the Question and Answer segment, Rebecca Sebastian leaves a heartfelt voicemail celebrating Jivana’s 30 years of teaching and Elisa Jouannet shares a transformative lesson from her yoga teacher: "Wherever you are, that's perfect."

Jivana answers a question about how he made a living while teaching yoga and discusses with cohost Deanna Michalopoulos the challenges of integrating business with yoga.

Topics include: 

  • Speaking out against injustice, and the role of yoga in providing hope and peace

  • The connection between running and yoga

  • Pros and cons of studio classes

  • Yoga for end of life and holding space for loss

  • The beauty of the student-teacher relationship and its impact on personal growth

  • The importance of financial accessibility and equity 

  • Shared resource: Tristan - Stop Charging Your Worth Training


We Want to Hear from You!

What story, teaching, or practice inspires your yoga journey today? Submit your answer or any other questions you have for Jivana via Google Form: or leave a voice message here:

Selected responses may be featured in future episodes!


Connect with Scottee:

Scottee (he/they) is a self taught actor who has received critical acclaim for his work in theatre and audio, he is also the creator behind Wonkee.

Wonkee is a digital club with a focus on inclusive yoga practice, self paced learning, creativity and self care, whose practices are made with the weird, sad, mad, fat, neurodivergent, sensitive, soft natured and queer amongst us. | @scotteeisfat |


Connect with Jivana:

Check out Jivana’s books, Accessible Yoga, Yoga Revolution, and The Teacher’s Guide to Accessible Yoga, and get more information about Accessible Yoga at | @jivanaheyman |


Connect with Rebecca: @rebeccassebastianyoga

Connect with Elisa: @elisajouannet


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Credit: Mikus (they/them), AYP Podcast Sound Engineer