Feb 11 2025 31 mins
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In this episode of 'Creators That Crush,' host Shawn Buttner interviews Dr. Luissa Kiprono, a medical director, single mom, and former refugee from Romania, about her journey of writing a book.
Dr. Kiprono shares the challenges and strategies she employed, including hiring a book coach and using a supportive community, to balance her full-time job and personal life with the goal of becoming an author.
Our conversation explores the intricacies of the creative process, publishing, and marketing a book, and emphasizes the importance of patience, resilience, and community support.
- 01:45 How Creators Can Write Their Book With A Full Time Job.
- 07:56 Most Surprising struggle with writing a book with a full time job
- 08:43 Three Processes to selling a book...
- 09:50 Sign Up For A Free Creator Strategy Session
- 14:48 Costs Of Creating With A Full Time Job
- 20:18 The Tension Between Pushing And Success
- 20:59 Go At Your Own Pace: A Lesson From Triatholons
- 23:28 There IS No Wrong Way To Create Anything
- 24:20 How It Feels To Finish Your Creative Work With A Full Time Job
- 27:43 The Most Beautiful and Surprising Result About Writing Your Book
- 28:45 How Ofter You Get Positive vs Negative Feedback
- 29:45 The Ripple Effects Of Our Creative Work
- 30:10 Learn More About Dr. Luissa K.
Dr. Luissa Kiprono is an author and high-risk pregnancy physician specialist.
Her recently published memoir and Amazon bestseller: “PUSH, THEN BREATHE - Trauma, Triumph, and the Making of an American Doctor”, is based on Luissa’s first 15 years of her life in America.
In her book, she shares her shattering story of physical and emotional abuse, how she overcame her past, re-built her own future, and now is helping others in their own healing journey. She is an avid triathlete & Ironman finisher who enjoys immersive travel and eclectic cooking.