Feb 13 2025 11 mins
📈 Work With Me 1:1 To Find Your Next Level As A Creator. Schedule your free creator performance strategy session here: https://calendly.com/shawnbuttner/1-on-1-strategy-session
Sign up for the FREE 'Creators That Crush in 5-Days' email course: https://www.creatorsthatcrush.com
Creators that crush are constantly growing their network. Through coaching, seminars, social media, they are engaging with the world. This can be a struggle for some creators, like me. I’m a bit introverted and so the promotional side of creative work feels a it awkward and forced.
If you are a creator that has:
- Struggled to grow your audience
- Struggled to engage your audience
- Struggled with feeling alone in your creative endeavor
Then this episode is for you. Because we will answer the questions:
- How do you build partners and collaborators?
- How do you understand your audience?
- How do creators that crush build partnerships differently from others?
Connect with me on BlueSky here: https://bsky.app/profile/shawnbuttner.com