EP 113 : Astrology and Wellness Forecast February 24th - March 2nd

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Feb 24 2025 58 mins  

Today’s episode walks you through this week’s astrology + practical and magical tactics to help you harness and navigate the energetics February 24th - March 2nd

Last week added more water to the ocean of emotion we were already swimming in. Pisces season began, and we cheered for Mars stationing direct! Did you...just keep swimming?

This week gets busier in quiet and weird ways. Multiple wildcards await. Take care of your vessel, because your body is the original technology. It's the home of your magic. It is temple. 


Monday, February 24th: 

- Happy Mo(o)nday! Welcome to the very first day of our new moon cycle. It's time to replenish and draw in. It's always a time of rest and divine messaging. This week massively amplifies that vibe with a new moon in Pisces....but let's be clear, it's not just a new moon in Pisces...we've got a party in Pisces; Neptune, Saturn, Mercury, the Sun, and the North Node and on Thursday....Mama Moon. 



▪️Flush your lymphatic system; foam roll, jumping on the trampoline, cardio, and dry brushing

▪️Ingest fresh ginger 


-  Day 1 of New Moon Flow #1 - You'll need a set of yoga blocks (cork preferred) and a yoga strap. This movement series begins our constructive rest cycle. This is the week to begin a mat practice or to return to your practice. This week welcomes a full 6 days of mobility and flexibility. It's the time we take our vessel to a quieter space to synthesize the work we've done prior and allow results to happen. No rest, no results. This is science fitness fact. Welcome to results by doing less. Yup, you heard me. Lower cortisol, cultivate hormone balance....these are the things that bolster, nourish, and support results. Tiny and mighty, long game work.  You'll see a variation of our closed book series for thoracic, neck, and torso mobility, a lovely focus on hamstrings, low back, rotation in general for digestion and detox, with puppy pose, and rabbit to harmonize the endocrine system. 


Tuesday, February 25th:  

-   Last chance to book an exploration call for Magical Mentoring! Imagine navigating this year with unique, channeled tarot readings, to-do lists, community, coven calls, empowerment, me, and actual growth and healing. 🚨Schedule an exploration call TODAY through this Thursday, February 27th.


- Watch your New Moon Tarot Reading. It's a super juicy one. Aphrodite and Hekate both make an appearance. It's delightfully auspicious. It's a wonderfully potent time to set foundations for 2025. 


- Mercury Conjunct Saturn. 

Welcome to one of the wildcards this week. What will it mark on our bingo cards? No idea. Conjunctions are tight passages of two celestial bodies in a very small corridor. Basically they sit at the same degree in the sky, and we have to wait to see how it turns out.


Wednesday, February 26th: 

 - Click through from your UWS member Library to share with your community. This is a very calm, kind, theme specific community. We focus on your practices, your feelings, and all the wellness, goddess, magic we have the bandwidth for. You may find your nervous system thanks you for being there...quite the opposite of other community space experiences. 


Thursday, February 27th:

- New Moon in Pisces. It's a time to rest, replenish, recalibrate, and receive. It's a day to journal and to meditate (or use a Healing Frequency for Tapping or Shaking in your Unicorn Wellness Studio). Float through today. Honor the slow. This is not a week, nor day, to push or force effort or outcome. Let it go. Let it flow. Remember, water can carve through mountains...but it takes time


-  Day 1 of New Moon Flow #2 - You'll need a set of yoga blocks (cork preferred) and a yoga strap. You'll see a core contraction tutorial to start, waddle walks, diamond stretches, closed book, hip hinges, modified warrior, frog, lizard, and fish. This is a magical menagerie that lends extra love for piriformis or sciatica issues, low back pain and our emotional storage units (hips). 



Friday, February 28th: 

-  Aphrodite's Day  

It's time to ask: What does my inner goddess need in order to remember she is sacred, divine, and designed to receive? This week, it's probably going to be rest, a time out, some sort of water she's requesting (hydration, bathing, swimming, cold plunge, sauna, or shower). Consider brewing up some rose tea, one for you, and place one on the altar for Aphrodite. 


- Watch your New Moon Basics. If you're new to working with the lunar cycles or need a refresher. In the astrology section of your UWS Library, it'll take you through the energetics, and coaching directives that Mama Moon offers us, every new moon cycle. 


- Watch your Zodiac Basics: Pisces. We all have Pisces in our chart somewhere. Regardless of whether or not you have planets or celestial bodies placed there, it rules over a house in your chart. I do prescribe that the energy of that house is easier, smoother if you don't have placements there...and yet...we're all swimming in it and working with it. In a big way in the season, this week and this year in particular. Find it in the astrology section of your UWS Library. 


Saturday, March 1st:  

 - Venus stations Retrograde. This is special.

Venus only stations retrograde every 18 months. It'll take 40 days and 40 nights for her orbit to trace a rose in the sky. There is Divine geometry here. 

2017 was the last time Venus was Rx in Aries.

This retrograde will have us reevaluating our wants and desires. How we experience pleasure. Our dopamine mines may feel like they've dried up. Things that typically bring us peace, calm, or pleasure...may not work.

This retrograde will include our perspective on finances; how we generate them, circulate, receive, or invest them. 


 - Mercury enters Retroshade. Thus begins the brochure cycle as Mercury slows down and prepares to station retrograde in 2 weeks. This retrograde cycle is happening in Aries and Pisces. Things start to get wonky.

It's s time to practice impeccable communication, scheduling, and travel plans...also...triple check your funds. 

Pause. Meditate. Think. Research...then engage. 


Sunday, March 2nd:   

- 🦄 Day 1 of Foundational Flow. No props needed for this workout. We exit our constructive rest phase and return to medium effort on the mat for strength. You'll see heel slides, dead bug, classical Pilates hundreds, series of five, our bent knee hip series, puppy, rabbit, down dog, and dolphin. 


-  🌑 Last day of New Moon Energy. Prioritize clarity. Make clarity welcome and keep the vibe low and slow. The dimmer switch slides up on peopling, energy, and doing tomorrow. 


-🪐 Mercury Conjunct Neptune. 

And here lies the second wildcard of the week. Our mercurial messenger presses up against Neptune. Think of Neptune as Pisces 10xed. He is dreams, delusions, creativity, and spirituality.


- 🪞Your weekly mantra:  

Spirituality is magic.

Knowing my intuition is a safe and valid guide emboldens and empowers me. 

Meditation is a must. 

I sit myself at the altar of the Universe.

I clearly express, I am open to receive. 

I am listening. 

I am willing. 

I co-create with the unseen energetics, to the benefit of my 3D life.  

I receive messages from my benevolent guides, guardians, angels and ancestors...easily and clearly. 

I then take action on my messages in my life. 

Additional Resources:

  • Group Magical Mentoring Begins March 7th, 2025. Last chance for exploration calls is February 24th - 27th! This is mentoring via the tarot to heal core wounds. It's a fit if you're ready to dismantle internalized patriarchy to live a life by design, rather than a life by default, step into empowerment, manifestations, and confidence through shadow work, the witch narrative, and dark goddess energy. 

  • LAST CHANCE to ☎️ Schedule a call to explore Group Magical Mentoring

  • UnicornWellnessStudio.com Offering 30-min classical Pilates workouts in alignment to the astrological season and lunar cycles and Tandy's 41-day food reset.


Additional Episodes You Might Enjoy:

EP 111: Pisces Season Tarot Forecast 

EP 110: Pisces Season Deep Dive and Astro Forecast: Embrace the Flow

EP 108: From Saturn’s Return to Self Empowerment Through Mentoring

EP 95: Nodes of Fate: Stepping into the Pisces Dream and Leaving Virgo Perfectionism Behind