Feb 25 2025 40 mins
Today, I’m joined by Beck Goodman who is an early childhood learning expert specializing in early literacy. Her company’s mission is to end the preschool power struggles around learning by equipping grownups with the tools they need to use play-based approaches that foster connection, not conflict. We discuss joy and child interest as the cornerstone to supporting early literacy development.
- Silliness as a Tool for Engagement: Beck emphasizes the power of silliness—whether it’s making up ridiculous words with magnetic letters or engaging in playful language games. Children are naturally silly—let's embrace that playfulness.
- Using Children’s Interests to Drive Learning: Both Beck and Laura discuss the importance of leaning into a child’s interest and disinterest. Whether it’s saying yes to a request for ketchup at mealtime or experimenting with different ways to engage a child during literacy activities, honoring what excites them can build trust and create more opportunities for learning.
- Letting Children Take the Lead: Learn how to avoid power struggles and encourage more collaborative problem-solving. Laura and Beck discuss how giving children a voice in problem-solving situations can help build autonomy and investment in the learning process.
If you’ve ever wondered how to meet children where they are and embrace their interests and silliness, this episode is for you. Beck’s strategies will help you navigate the delicate balance between structured learning and free play, ultimately creating an environment where children feel empowered to explore language and literacy on their terms.
Connect with Laura:
- Instagram: @little.stories.that.stick
- Website: Little Stories That Stick
Connect with Beck:
- Instagram: @growwithbeck
- Website: growwithbeck.com