Mar 07 2025
The Katherine Massey Book Club @ The C.O.W.S. hosts the 3rd study session on the late Dr. Maya Angelou's A Song Flung Up To Heaven. This is the 6th autobiography in her 7 book memoir series. We read books 1, I Know Why The Caged Bird Sings, and 4, The Heart of a Woman. Dr. Angelou now reigns as the only author to have three books read on the Katherine Massey Book Club. We're reading this book to hear Dr. Angelou's depiction of the assassinations of Minister Malcolm X and Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Last week, Dr. Angelou detailed the smells and sounds from her sightseeing tours through the 1965 Watts riots. Oddly, she laments the lack of attention she receives while everyone is focused on the smoldering ruins and shootin' and lootin'. With a reputation as a poet, not a historian, Dr. Angelou is scant on specific details about what's happening during the infamous SoCal battle. The late Wanda Coleman wrote that a few of Dr. Angelou's descriptions of the Watts kerfuffle are factually incorrect. Later, the Wake Forest scholar tells us that she and her "former husband" Vus, who is not named in this book, attempt to reconcile. It fails miserably, and they resume the same toxic, destructive arguments they had on a different continent. We noted that the daily consumption of alcoholic beverages is a theme in both Dr. Angelou memoirs we read this year. Including the infamous Mogen David's "Mad Dog 20/20" - which is a fortified wine that's been banned in parts of Seattle, Washington. #SobrietytWouldBeBest #TheCOWS16Years INVEST in The COWS – Cash App:$TheCOWS CALL IN NUMBER: 605.313.5164 CODE: 564943#