Episode Artwork
0% played 00:00 00:00
Feb 24 2023 1 mins   41

We’ve moved to a new podcast-hosting platform.

if you’re hearing this message that means you are still subscribed to our old RSS feed, and missing our new shows.

Here is a link to our new feed: https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2127872.rss

Some podcast syndicators, like Apple, Spotify, and Google Podcasts, automatically updated our feed to the new one, while others accepted the new feed as an entirely new and separate podcast. You may need to search through their catalog and re-subscribe to the new feed. So far we know PocketCasts is doing this and we are working with them to correct this.

If you’re listening to our episodes on the web you can go to our new site podcast.artofnetworkengineering.com to keep listening.

If you’re manually subscribed you’ll need to grab the new RSS feed. That link is https://feeds.buzzsprout.com/2127872.rss

If you’re still having problems please reach out to us. You can Tweet at us or DM us on Twitter, we are @artofneteng

or you can email us directly at [email protected].

We hope you join us on our new platform and catch up on all of our latest content, and Thank you so much for listening to the Art of Network Engineering Podcast!