Jan 13 2025
7:15AM // An excerpt from 3CR's summer series "Writing Home", a show in which Satellite Skies host Madhvi takes listeners through important feminist readings from the Global South. In this excerpt, which originally aired on 6 Jan, Madhvi discusses and reads an extract from "Against White Feminism" by Rafia Zakaria. It's a fabulous read on compulsory sexuality, and the problems with a singular white empowerment feminist narrative in today's capitalist world. Tune in to 3CR on Saturdays 9-10AM to hear the last two episodes of this summer special, or you can find Madhvi's episodes of Satellite Skies at 3cr.org.au/satelliteskies. 7:30AM // Marc Isaac is a queer comedian, born in Scotland, and now based mainly in Melbourne. They join us to talk about the open mic comedy scene in Melbourne and queer friendly spaces from an intersectional perspective. They have recently started up Queer Comedy Collingwood, a vibrant and diverse LGBTQI+ comedy night, with the goal of ‘making comedy queer again’. Check it out, the first Tuesday of the month from 7pm, at Wheat, Wine and Whisky on 284 Smith St Collingwood. You can also follow Marc on Instagram @marcisaaccomedy. 7:45AM // A second excerpt from 3CR's summer series "Writing Home" on important feminist readings from the Global South. In this excerpt, host Madhvi introduces and pays tribute to the life of Savitribai Phule, social reformer, poet, and first female teacher in India, to coincide with her birthday on the 3rd January. This discussion originally aired on Sat 11 Jan and finishes with a song, "Jago" by Amira Gill, Amrit Ramnath & M.S Krsna. Tune in to 3CR on Saturdays 9-10AM to hear the last two episodes of this summer special, or you can find Madhvi's episodes of Satelliteskies at 3cr.org.au/satelliteskies. 8:00AM // Kathryn Kelly, a former federal public servant who worked largely in the environment and Aboriginal affairs portfolios, on the ongoing genocide in Palestine and the demands of IPAN (the Independent and Peaceful Australia Network). Kathryn visited Gaza and the West Bank in 2002 and 2003 and then founded the ‘Australians for Justice and Peace in Palestine’ organisation in Canberra in 2003. Kathryn was a member of the IPAN National Coordinating Committee as an ACT rep, (2013-2023). Kathryn was also a founding co-convenor of the Alliance Against Political Prosecutors until recently, advocating for the truth tellers/whistleblowers. 8:15AM // Sofii Belling-Harding, host of a new 3CR program called 'BITE: Black is the Essence', interviewing her Aunty Tammy Lee Rock, an award-winning actor, playwright, director, a natural-born comedian and radio presenter herself, on her work and experiences in the arts, including First Nations theatre production work in the 90s, storytelling through her various acting roles, and processing trauma. BITE is at 1pm on Mondays on 3CR. You can also head to www.3cr.org.au/bite to listen back to the full interview and previous programs. Songs:Leave Me Low - Becca HatchOrlando in Love - Japanese Breakfast