Feb 05 2025 57 mins 2
Liquid-liquid extraction technology, when implemented innovatively, can transform lithium extraction by dramatically reducing costs and environmental impact! Wanna understand how? Listen to this!
More #water insights? Connect with me on Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/antoinewalter1/
Thanks to my sponsor, SimpleLab! Check them out ➡️ https://gosimplelab.com/
#️⃣ All the Links Mentioned in this Video #️⃣
Altillion's website: https://www.altillion.com/
Connect with Jay Keener on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/jay-keener/
My conversation with Chris Wyres from Evove: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water/s9e7-how-to-eradicate-dead-zones-cut-energy-needs-by-80-and-double-lithium-selectivity
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Smartlink: https://smartlink.ausha.co/dont-waste-water
Website: https://dww.show/podcast/
🙋 QUESTION: What would you like me to cover next?
00:00 Introduction and Background
02:04 Startup Life in Watertech
04:35 Deep Dive into Liquid-Liquid Extraction
10:46 Jay Keener's Entrepreneurial Journey
15:05 The Story of Xedia Process Solutions
22:14 The Birth of Altillion
29:04 Altillion's Focus on Lithium Extraction
34:11 Collaboration with DLE Companies
41:40 Pilot Projects and Future Plans
54:11 Rapid Fire Questions
🔄 Traditional solvent extraction requires 5-7 stages with minutes of residence time per stage - Altillion achieves better results in just 2 stages with seconds of residence time
🧪 Recovery efficiency remains consistent regardless of starting concentration - they can extract lithium down to 3-4 ppm whether starting from 20 ppm or 2000 ppm
💰 The focus in lithium extraction is shifting from OpEx to CapEx reduction due to high interest rates and financing challenges
🤝 In nascent industries like lithium extraction, collaboration between "competitors" often creates more value than pure competition
🏭 What looks like a complex water treatment flowsheet is actually a simple mining/oil & gas project by industry standards
🔄 While most companies scale up their pilot plants, Altillion actually built a smaller second pilot unit because their first one was too large for potential partners' testing needs.
🧪 Despite being based in Texas with deep oil & gas expertise, they shifted focus away from oilfield brines toward mining brines - not because the technology didn't work, but because it worked too well, extracting even trace amounts of lithium effectively.
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