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Mar 22 2023 30 mins  
Eine Folge auf Kroatisch

Pozdrav i dobro došli u KauzPod, podcast o klimatskoj pravdi, radu i budućnosti. U ovome podcastu razgovaramo o negativnim ekološkim, ekonomskim i društvenim posljedicama našeg trenutnog načina života i rada te koje solidarne alternative već postoje i kako ih možemo nastaviti razvijati. Ja sam Antonela i naš današnji gost je Sara Sušanj, koja radi u udruzi Delta. Delta je organizacija koja se zalaže za osnaživanje građana, građanskih inicijativa i udruga građana.

This episode is recorded by our project partners from Škola Dante in Rijeka and had Sara Sušanj from Delta as a guest. Sara talks about her experiences of being children's mayor in Opatija, about what peolpe need to get active in political processes and her hope for the future. Enjoy listening.

Speaker: Sara Sušanj, Antonela Marjanušić

Music: Martin Mayrhofer, Julia Koll

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Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.

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