Sep 04 2023 51 mins 2
Sapna Sharma is group leader at Technical University Munich (TUM) in Germany
Favorite metabolite
lysophosphatidylcholines (LPCs)
Papers we discussed in this episode
Effect of BMI on type 2 diabetes | Metabolic Signatures Elucidate the Effect of Body Mass Index on Type 2 Diabetes
More on the KORA cohort discussed in this episode and in the first paper.
Paper on medication associations with multiple omics | Discovery of drug–omics associations in type 2 diabetes with generative deep-learning models
More on the IMI-direct project
"There is enough data, but there are not enough bioinformatics tools to make sense out of it."
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Finally available - Alices first book
The STORY principle - A guide to the biological interpretation of metabolomics
Also featuring some of the Metabolomists from Season 1
Available on Amazon and the biocrates webshop