Jun 23 2024 40 mins
The full programme of the conference can be found here:
Dr. Julia H. Schröder (Universität der Künste Berlin, SoundS) is a lecturer at the Sound Studies and Sonic Arts Master studies programme at Berlin University of the Arts. She holds a PhD in musicology with research interests in contemporary art music, sound art, sound studies, music and dance as well as sound design in theatre. Her current research project is titled Theatergeräusche (theatre sounds) with a book publication planned.
Among her books in German, an edited volume focuses on the merging of theatre sound design and music around 1980: Im Hörraum vor der Schaubühne: Theatersound von Hans Peter Kuhn für Robert Wilson und von Leigh Landy für Heiner Müller (transcript Verlag, 2015).
Dr Anna R. Burzyńska (Jagiellonian University in Krakow) is an Adjunct Professor in the Drama and Theatre Department at the Jagiellonian University in Krakow (where she received her PhD in 2010) and Visiting Research Fellow at the Center for Advanced Studies at Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität in Munich (during the 2022–3 academic year). Her main research interests are: contemporary European theatre, dance and music scene, radio art, Polish and German drama of the 19th-21st century. She is the editor of the journal “Didaskalia. Gazeta Teatralna”, theatre and music critic. Winner of the Kropka Competition for Music Critics (2014). Her book publications include The Classics and the Troublemakers: Theatre Directors from Poland(2008), Atlas anatomiczny Georga Büchnera (2022) and the edited volume Joined Forces: Audience Participation in Theatre (2016). As a dramaturg, she worked with Stefan Kaegi of Rimini Protokoll (audiowalk Skrót, czyli Krakau Files), Lars Jan of Early Morning Opera (The Institute of Memory (TIMe)) and Barbara Wysocka (The Death of Ophelia).