Dec 14 2023 30 mins
What I enjoy most about podcasting is the diversity of our industry and the great passion of the personalities as influencers and drivers.
I found Christian Schou in a roundabout way - it's fun to listen to him - he doesn't beat around the bush - he loves to say: let's go skiing when I ask him for business-relevant impulses :-)
So open your ears for Christian Schou, open your eyes for House of Hygge.
Christian Schou likes to emphasize the energy with which the Norwegian brand House of Hygge is making its way.
Christian is the manager and Chief Executive Skibum (as he calls himself) of House of Hygge.
The brand was founded in 2004 as a supplier of slack line kits.
His own description is better than any word I could find for his status quo in 2023:
"When I founded House of Hygge, I wanted to go skiing.
I made the world's first slackline set.
The money financed many seasons in Chamonix, climbing expeditions in the Himalayas and surfing in tropical paradises around the world.
There were times when there were no budgets and no ambitions other than the best possible experiences in nature.
This is still the lifeblood of our company. To this day, employees receive a written notice if they don't ski when it snows.
I am impressed by what our small group has achieved so far. We are working hard and will continue to do so.
Personally, I'm still mainly interested in the great experiences. Keeping things real.
But what I am really proud of is that we are creating year-round jobs in rural Norway.
We are an "outdoor lifestyle brand", as it is called in Nynorsk.
Our strategy is to become a fully-fledged supplier of sportswear, from head to toe, inside out, summer and winter.
We received wonderful confirmation of this when we were voted "Newcomer of the Year" by the Norwegian Sports Industry Association.
The vision is still firm: to give people a break from everyday life.
We can therefore promise you that we will work hard to continue to be both the best in the test and the best at the party."
Contact and further links:
House of Hygge:
Christian Schou:
Christian's recommendation: