Mar 27 2024 60 mins 4
Diese Episode ist auf englisch, weil mein heutiger Experte Amerikaner ist.
Loren Lockman is over 30 years fasting and nutritionist expert and guided over 10.000 people through weeklong water fasts and coached over 5000 people for better health. Loren began studying the relationship between nutrition and health in 1977.
In 1984, Loren contracted chronic fatigue, irritable bowel, candidiasis, sinusitis, and 57 allergies. After a 3 year struggle with medicine, Loren got himself well within 6 months. He’s been a raw vegan since 1991.
In this episode you will learn:
- how and why Loren started with weeklong water fasting,
- what fasting really is,
- how you fast right,
- what is the right diet to be overall healthy,
and so much more!
I know there are so many different opinions out there about nutrition and fasting. Please give this episode a try and benefit from Loren´s 30 years experience.
In my opinion, the most important thing is: don't believe everything what you learn all day long. But be open, get it a try and find out the truth. The truth always works (best for you).
Much love,
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