Team Member 84 - Nathalie Mamo

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Aug 10 2024 59 mins   5
She was the first woman to ever be on sports TV in the Arab world and keeps paving the way for so many who come after her. Basketball pro, sports lover, professional. Meet rockstar Nathalie Mamo.

Today's episode, my dear team, will be trip to Lebanon and Dubai!

I love how big our sports world is and I want to do my little part and show you, how many great women in sports there are across the globe.

So I'm introducing Nathalie Mamo today, a basketball legend and a TV sensation, since she was the first woman on sports television in the Arab world. Just imagine!

Her way of speaking and seeing things is just so special: calm, yet very ambitious, cool but on fire. You'll see for yourself ;)

What Cristiano Ronaldo has to do with her, her plans of leaving a strong legacy and so much more will be shared in today's episode.

So excited to have her on.
Let us know what you think.

Thanks for your support as always.
Lisa <3

Schnitt und Postproduktion: Andy Aksen