Feb 13 2025 60 mins 60
Alle Jahre wieder: das CfgMgmtCamp in Gent drehte sich wieder um Infrastruktur-Automatisierung und Cloud-Themen. In großer Runde besprechen wir mit Niklas Werker, Mar Sydymanov, Leon Krass und Jasper Wiegratz unsere Eindrücke. Neben spannenden Keynotes gab es auch spannende Entwicklungen von Pkl-, Puppet- und OpenTofu-Projekten.
- CfgMgmtCamp 2025: https://cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/
- HoGent: https://www.hogent.be/dit-is-hogent/contact/
- FOL #99 - FOSDEM und CfgMgmtCamp 2024: https://focusonlinux.podigee.io/99-fosdem-und-cfgmgmtcamp-2024
- Aufzeichnungen: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLpA21lcgp3jxulD-_dTWj55eoMvWZ8ZuN
- Aufzeichnungen des Foreman-Raums: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLLTIBSsvp9qQzYm_yYpmfKWQD7gdciWKg
Keynotes und persönliche Highlights
- Hazel Weakly - Working Configs, Humanity, The Real World, Joy and Happiness: Pick Two(ish): https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/39GGMS/
- Sebastian Stadil - OpenTofu: 18 Months Later: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/T7JBSA/
- Kief Morris - From bottleneck to enabler: Pulling infrastructure coding out of the value stream: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/AVUFQQ/
- Victor Zhestkov, Alexander Graul - How to manage 10k+ Linux systems centrally with Uyuni and Salt: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/DMPETX/
- Philip Hölzenspies - Pkl-ing your config makes it last longer: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/W7QSQG/
- Laura Nolan - How we troubleshoot difficult problems: cognition and understanding causality in distributed software systems: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/EYDVJG/
- Tim Appnel - You’re Doing Ansible Roles All Wrong: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/UYWGGF/
- Niklas Werker - Comparing Ansible Development Environment Implementations: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/3FHRGQ/
- Christian Stankowic - Writing a Terraform/OpenTofu provider MVP for dummies: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/N8GY3W/
- Jasper Wiegratz - From Containers to Port Knocking: Advanced Firewall Automation with nftables and Rust: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/3YX7ZF/
- Leon Krass, Christian Stankowic - Effective Infrastructure Testing: Lessons Learned from the Field: https://cfp.cfgmgmtcamp.org/ghent2025/talk/CJA9ER/
- Jasper Wiegratz - From Containers to Port Knocking: Firewall Automation: https://youtube.com/watch?v=DVlFutF9ATk