Oct 24 2021 62 mins
Sven Johann talks with Manuel Pais about Team Topologies
- Interview with Werner Vogels
- Team Topologies book
- Github: tools and templates
- Team Topologies Academy
- Platform as a Product
- Nikki Watts, Platform Engineering as a Community Service
Chapter Marks:
- 00:00 Intro
- 01:45 The challenge of “two pizza” teams
- 07:00 The three types of cognitive load
- 10:48 Measuring cognitive load
- 16:44 Stream aligned (“two pizza”) teams
- 21:26 Platform teams
- 22:54 Enabling teams
- 24:25 Complicated subsystem teams
- 26:13 Overcoming common problems of enabling teams
- 38:21 What do Platform teams do?
- 53:35 Interaction modes between teams
- 56:08 Applying team topologies in small organisations
- 59:51 Closing