Nov 24 2024 53 mins
The theatre is one of our oldest art forms. It has a unique power to unpick what it means to be human, to expose what's really going on in society, and to deliver an emotional gut-punch.
It's also full of kingdom character and opportunities. The Bible is often described as a unified story in six acts, and Jesus himself was in one sense a highly skilled 'performer' – holding huge crowds with carefully crafted stories that revealed deeper truths about his listeners and the world he was in. So how can the theatre contribute to God's mission on earth – and how does it echo his character?
To dive into the wonderful world of the West End, Paul and Grace chat to actor, singer, and dancer Naomi Alade, a cast member in the musical 'Six'. She shares her journey into the performing arts, what it looks like to be distinctively Christian in an often challenging space, and how theatrical productions can bring glory to God.
Naomi trained in musical theatre at the University of West London and has been working in the industry for the last three years. As well as 'Six', she's appeared in 'Beautiful: The Carole King Musical', 'Eugenius!', and the Robin Hood pantomime. Follow her on Instagram @naomialade1