Sep 01 2024 54 mins
If there's one issue that defines many people's perspective on Christianity, it's sex and relationships. The church has a reputation for being judgemental and restrictive, for burdening people with a heavy weight of guilt around their sex life rather than painting a beautiful picture of sex's place in God's world. How can we do better?
Christianity's sexual ethics are as distinctive today as they were in ancient Rome – focused on care, commitment, and joy rather than power, selfishness, and consumerism. As many people's exploration of their sexual selves has moved online, and as sex and relationships have become increasingly central to people's sense of their own worth and identity, our culture is awash with anxiety and depression. Christianity has a beautiful alternative to offer – sex as an expression of faithfulness and love, rather than sex as a social (or financial) commodity.
With all that to discuss, Paul and Grace get expert insights from Rachel Gardner, Director of Partnerships at Youthscape and a church leader in Blackburn. Together they explore the unique beauty of Christian sexual ethics – and how we can engage wisely in our daily lives with this thorniest of topics.
Rachel has written several books for young people on sex and relationships, including The Sex Thing and The Girl Deconstruction Project.