Sep 05 2023 44 mins 1
Episode 162: Reincarnation and the Cathars & The Great Train Avalanche of Wellington Washington- Carol finishes up her haunted vacation, by visiting Carcassonne and Minerve, France while Holly takes a train trip through haunted Wellington, Washington.
Reincarnation and the Cathars-
Strange Company: Book Review: "The Cathars and Reincarnation," By Arthur Guirdham | Mary Magdalene - Wikipedia | Cathars in France: the Cathar religion and the hilltop Languedoc Cathar castles | Minerve France: Reasons to Explore this Beautiful Historic Village in the South of France | Languedoc Trilogy - Kate Mosse | The Mass Reincarnation Of 13th Century "Heretics" | Unexplained: The Cathars | Timeline | Cathar Beliefs, doctrines, theology and practices | Medieval Albigensians: Bath’s reincarnated heretics | HistoryExtra | The Cathars and Reincarnation: The Record of a Past Life in 13th Century France (A Quest Book) | Rennes le Chateau, the unsolved mystery - Francecomfort Holiday parks | Historic Fortified City of Carcassonne - UNESCO World Heritage Centre | Carcassonne | Z-MAN Games | Explore the Charming French Town of Carcassonne | France Vacation Destinations, Ideas and Guides | The South of France with Mary Magdalene and the Cathars | Mary Magdalene Relics in France | Châteaux de Lastours - Ruined Medieval Cathar Castle in France | Travel Real France Cathar Tours- Guide Olivia Gotti | Hotel La Maison De La Ambassadeur Carcassone France
Wellington, Washington-
Expedition X - Wellington, Washington |Ghost Hunters to stake out site of 1910 Train Disaster |Ghost Train Oak Harbor Man investigates disaster at Stevens Pass |Wellington Avalanche Haunting |Seattle Times - Expedition X Investigates |Wellington Washington Train Disaster |The Wellington Avalanche |Wikipedia-Wellington Washington |America's Deadliest Avalanche | REM Pod