Jan 03 2025 41 mins 14
Dish Warsham, Allan Wrench, and Mike Oxbig take you on a ride down to the farm to show you where Employee #1 used to work. This is the episode where someone old-guy chokes and almost dies during recording.
At long last, the term Kalookio is explained. You are gonna want to hear this!
#atv #accident #allsaintsday #beer #belching #blackhumor #bountifulload #comedy #crude #dark #fuckdoll #fudgepackin #gallowshumor #grapists #hashtag #industrialaccident #injury #kalookio #mature #morbid #motorcycle #osha #peedinkle #pottymouths #researchdepartment #roadhead #schadenfreude #tasteless #temporaryemployee #thump #torso #trauma #vulgar #xray