Apr 26 2022 20 mins
People who don't even know you jump on it like & it grows & picks up momentum faster
This creates a Tsunami of negative things bashing your character.
Most claims probably aren't untrue, some things are made up by trolls or minimal mistakes you've made, but due to assumptions & negativity driving engagement, it'll appear like a bigger deal than it is.
You'll then experience a wave of very minor flaws or mistakes that you've made that are basically amplified to add on to it. Then what call the Lurkers come out who wait for the moment to strike and take full advantage of the wave.
This can be competitors, enemies, etc.
You can't really respond in a viable way as 90% of people in the wave are Tuned out. The Problem: They don't want to hear how you wil fix it or how you will improve They want you cancelled. That's the goal.
found it really disturbing to be honest. It was disturbing how willing people are to jump on cancelling someone without hearing both sides or all perspectives
The negative comments are just what drives the engagement