Jul 12 2021 56 mins 2
Patrick is a dear friend and a sexological body worker. What is a sexological body worker you ask? Tune in to find out!
We cover such juicy topics as the four corner stones of eroticism, anal massage, slowing down, orgies, making love to yourself, my shamanic horse riding journey, sequencing, trance sex and peek pleasure ceilings. Such a fun conversation!
Mentions in the episode;
The Institute of Somatic Sexology - https://instituteofsomaticsexology.com/
Books - The Erotic Mind by Jack Morin,
Polysecure: Attachment, Trauma and consensual nonmonogamy by Jessica Fern
Erotic Blueprint Test can be found @ https://missjaiya.com/
Orgasmic Yoga - join the Orgasmic Yoga Tribe group on face book or email [email protected]
Adult Swingers Club - CCK's http://www.cck.co.nz/index.html
Tahlia Brand Http://www.tahliabrand.com
Betty Martins waking the hands video can be found here https://youtu.be/sU75gf6hsDY
Contact Patrick: [email protected]
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