Aug 14 2024 48 mins 4
Greetings from across the pond. I sit down with Dr. Liz O’Riordan (@oriordanliz), a UK-based breast cancer surgeon by training turned advocate after her own invasive lobular breast cancer diagnosis at age 40. She has since dedicated her life to educating and empowering people affected by breast cancer. She is an international speaker and author of “The Complete Guide to Breast Cancer: How to Feel Empowered and Take Control” and her memoir, “Under the Knife: The Rise and Fall of a Female Surgeon.
We discuss how her diagnosis changed her perspective and purpose, and she shares wisdom after having been on both sides of breast cancer.
We hope you love this episode as much as we do.
[00:03:18] Walking in patients' shoes.
[00:04:39] Identity crisis after breast cancer.
[00:08:48] Overcoming fear of cancer recurrence.
[00:13:08] Balancing benefits and side effects.
[00:16:04] Managing side effects of medication.
[00:19:30] Lifestyle modifications for breast cancer.
[00:21:18] Breast cancer risk factors.
[00:26:15] Breast density and mammogram reports.
[00:27:43] Mammography and misinformation on cancer.
[00:32:52] Invasive lobular breast cancer.
[00:35:47] Monthly self breast exam.
[00:39:33] Trusting medical information online.
[00:42:26] Lifestyle factors in breast cancer.
[00:45:24] Importance of regular checkups.