Mar 10 2025 38 mins
562 lives changed. 562 people made new in Christ. The Georgia Meet Me in the Water Revival was nothing short of a move of God—and in this episode, Pastor Elwood and Kayla Gabbard take you behind the scenes to relive every powerful moment.
From prayers answered to chains broken in the water, this episode is filled with testimonies of healing, deliverance, and salvation. Pastor Elwood and Kayla share how the Holy Spirit moved mightily, drawing hundreds to step into the water and give their lives to Jesus.
But that’s not all—Kayla and Pastor Elwood reveal two new revival locations for 2025! Could one of them be near you? Get ready for what’s coming next!
🔥 If you’ve been waiting for a sign to go deeper in your faith—this is it. Listen now to hear how God is transforming lives across the country!
#MeetMeInTheWater #BaptismRevival #FaithInAction #SpiritualAwakening #JesusSaves #InTheWaterPodcast #KaylaGabbard #PastorElwood
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