Oct 31 2023 42 mins 2
Episode 170: Dudleytown, Connecticut & The Legend of Sleepy Hollow- Carol hunts for the paranormal through the dark and scary forests of Dudleytown while Holly hitches a ride with the Headless Horseman.
Dudleytown, Connecticut-
Macabre Mysteries: What Lurks In Dudleytown, Connecticut? | THE VIEW FROM: DUDLEYTOWN; A Hamlet That Can't Get Rid of Its Ghosts - The New York Times | Dark Entry Rd | Dudleytown: The Investigation Sparks Deeper and Darker Questions | "curse" on Dudleytown | Dudleytown – Damned Connecticut | The Curse of Dudleytown - US Ghost Adventures | Civilian Conservation Corps - Cornwall Historical Society | Dark Entry (2016) - IMDb
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow-
The Legend of Sleepy Hollow - Wikipedia |HY Mag-Haunted Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow |The Hudson Independent-Are There Ghosts and Witches in Tarrytown-Sleepy Hollow
|NY Times - Ghost Stories the other legend of Sleepy Hollow |Spark Notes - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow |YouTube - Was the headless horseman real? |Washington Irving - Wikipedia |Sleepy Hollow New York - Wikipedia |Ichabod Crane - Wikipedia. |Visit Sleepy Hollow