In 2055 Refugees From Earth

Episode Artwork
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Feb 15 2025 60 mins   1

When the Earth first succumbed to World Storm, there were seventy-two people on Space Port One. Two space-med induced heart failures, four suicides, and four fatal infectious diseases later, sixty-two people now crowd a facility designed to hold forty-five at most. Eleven people, all Earth refugees, are quarantined due to space induced mental illness.

Rings of habitable modules spin around the center of the station. An aeroponics grow center, a micro-gravity training center, repair and fabrication facilities, and docking bays connect to the station inside the rings and closer to the center.

Ten ships of a variety of sizes and types connect at all the docking bays and six more ships have been weld-mounted to the station. The smallest of these, named My Life Boat, is a private single-stage fusion rocket launched once from an Earth residence. Made to carry two passengers, it brought up seven people as the World Storm spread across the planet.

The largest of the docked ships, Xuanzang, is a first generation loop freighter that belonged to the Giantess Mining Company. Unlike later generations, this ship was humed by people as it traveled back and forth between the asteroid belt and near Earth.

Children play in the micro-gravity training center. Nine adults work in the aeroponics buildings, not because it takes that many to grow the vegetables and fruit. Robots could grow the crops better. It’s for personal sanity that so many take care of the plants. No one needs to work. Butler A.S.I. delivers food and supplies on schedule. The artificial super intelligence is tasked with keeping the hume race alive.

Hundreds have been trapped living in space after the World Storm has remained leaving the surface of the Earth uninhabitable. Audre, a carrier Spacer investigates he super intelligence, an AI who keeps people alive. Meanwhile some take a ship to the mining belt. To do so, they need to go to sleep in stasis beds. Adapting to space proves too difficult for many but there are signs that people will succeed in becoming a space faring race.

T. cap - T.M.S. cap to change brain activity.

Space Port One - A space station with rotating rings providing 1/3 Earth gravity

Various spacecraft including the Xuanzang (loop freighter) and My Life Boat (fusion rocket)

Stasis beds/pods for long-term space travel

Whisper jets and gyros for space suit propulsion

Aeroponics facilities for growing food

Automated drone ships

Vacuum showers

Island Ships - Giant habitat ships orbiting the sun

Gene treatments for space adaptation

Artificial wombs

Custom virus and synthetic microbe treatments

X-ray-free electron laser for molecular imaging

Brain digitizers/slicers for recording neural patterns

Space medicine and treatments for radiation exposure

Auto doctors and medical AI

Butler - The main Artificial Super Intelligence (ASI)

Transparency AI - Butler's jury/oversight AI

Various tier-one AIs for specific tasks

Live Translate - Real-time language translation

Companion AIs trained on human brain recordings

TMS (Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation) caps for mental state management

AR (Augmented Reality) glasses and planners

VR (Virtual Reality) rigs with sensory feedback

VR scent implants

Perfect Neighborhood - One-for-one VR world

Ring cameras for broadcasting

Brain wave monitoring

Vital sign monitoring systems

Long-range space communication systems

Monkey bots (general purpose robots)

Builder bots

Robo-pets (like the kitten)

Automated mining and manufacturing systems

Smart fabrics with integrated computing

Carbon crystal lattice for storage

Organic recyclable materials

Advanced space construction materials

Bullet-proof clothing

Destructive brain scans for digitized brains

Life recording

Many of the characters in this project appear in future episodes.

Using storytelling to place you in a time period, this series takes you, year by year, into the future. From 2040 to 2195. If you like emerging tech, eco-tech, futurism, perma-culture, apocalyptic survival scenarios, and disruptive science, sit back and enjoy short stories that showcase my research into how the future may play out.

This is Episode 63 of the podcast "In 20xx Scifi and Futurism." The companion site is

These are works of fiction. Characters and groups are made-up and influenced by current events but not reporting facts about people or groups in the real world. This project is speculative fiction. These episodes are not about revealing what will be, but they are to excited the listener's wonder about what may come to pass.

Copyright © Cy Porter 2024. All rights reserved.