Dec 05 2022 62 mins
Round Two of this year’s unplanned theme of “straight to video” yuletide terror reviews! This week, we delve back into the hey-day of VHS rentals when we revisit the film that gave us a one-liner, pun-happy killer snowman, and was the film debut for actress Shannon Elizabeth. From director Michael Cooney, the low-budget parody known as JACK FROST. Also this week, PostMortem shares his thoughts on two other festive frolicks; NUTCRACKER MASSACRE, and VIOLENT NIGHT – both from 2022. Watch yer nuts, kids – and don’t eat the yellow snow!
*What Lurks Behind Podcast Zero can be found on social media through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
*To email 'PostMortem' Paul, you can reach him at [email protected].