Jan 27 2025 38 mins 4
Email isn't really a task - it's where tasks go to accumulate, and your phone isn't really a tool anymore - it's become an appendage that's designed to hack your primal brain. I don't believe discipline alone can work when it comes to controlling these devices, and that's why we need a set of clear rules and structures to keep them from controlling us.
Today on The Obvious Choice podcast, we're diving into some practical rules for taking back control of your phone and email usage, because if you're going to show up somewhere - whether it's for dinner with friends or time with your kids - you better actually be there.
Episodes referenced in this episode:
Episode 187: "Boosting Productivity with Well-being" featuring Dr. Gloria Mark https://youtu.be/_kHLi2zUSTQ?si=xOuVlQJShZOC6azb
Order my book "The Obvious Choice" here: https://amzn.to/4ghBzce
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Jonathan Goodman https://www.instagram.com/itscoachgoodman/
Ren Jones https://www.instagram.com/fitnessjonestraining/
Amber Reynolds https://www.instagram.com/amberreynolds.me/
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The Obvious Choice podcast is presented by QuickCoach - free, professional software for fitness and nutrition coaches that elevates the value of what you do. Join 41,000+ coaches and get your account today at www.quickcoach.fit
0:00 The Obvious Choice Intro
0:45 Discussion about why discipline alone can't work with phones
2:25 The "leave your phone at the door" rule and its importance
3:18 Discussion about puzzles and coloring books as alternatives
4:23 Personal story about art class and coloring with his son
5:15 Conversation about adult vs. children's coloring books
7:24 Discussion about being authentically yourself
8:10 Tangent about food preferences and dining habits
9:45 Humorous discussion about Black Friday posts
10:14 Tangent about "Black Jeep Owners" group
12:25 Return to phone rules: saying "I love you" before checking phone
13:29 Discussion about phones at dinner tables and restaurant solutions
14:36 Tangent about credit card roulette and wealthy people's habits
15:52 Rule about not holding phone during conversations
17:47 Story about acknowledging children immediately when they speak
19:58 Rule about setting phone to black and white
22:33 Alternative solutions for managing social media usage
25:45 Discussion about social media strategy and audience building
26:22 Tips for organizing phone home screen
29:25 Email organization strategies and folder system
31:58 Discussion about email management and inbox organization
34:05 Rule about new subject lines for new email threads
35:39 The "touch it once" rule for email management