Nov 07 2024 61 mins
Law of Cream: Children Will Live Up to the Expectations Placed on Them
Join us in this enlightening episode featuring Dr. Eddy Shigley as we dive into the transformative power of expectations in parenting. Discover how children thrive when surrounded by clear, intentional goals.
Throughout our discussion, we reference our 12 Family Goals, which outline the values and aspirations we hope to instill in our children. What kind of future do you envision for your kids? By starting with the end in mind, we can parent with purpose and clarity.
Shigley Family Goals:
Build a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
Remember your identity as a child of God and an ambassador of Christ.
Strive for excellence in every endeavor to glorify God.
Practice reconciliation and extend grace at home.
Show kindness and put others first.
Lead by serving others, embodying true servant leadership.
Embrace purity and holiness in thoughts and actions.
Be prepared to share the gospel and lead others to Christ.
Choose a partner who shares a passion for Jesus.
Love and respect your spouse as Christ loves the church.
Raise your children to love and serve Jesus.
Engage in lifelong ministry and disciple-making.
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