Note: "Act 1" was a separate published audio podcast.
*Check out EZ's morning radio show "The InZane Asylum Q100 Michigan with Eric Zane" Click here
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Email the show on the Shoreliners Striping inbox: [email protected]
*EZ had a great time doing PA work at the Special Olympics basketball game.
*Trump makes fool out of himself after "transgender mice" gaffe.
*Trump's weird comments about stranded astronauts.
*Elon's starship to the moon crashes to Earth, again.
*17 year old Australian psycho tries hijacking plane.
*Kid abducted by mom, finally found, 7 years later.
*Asshole of the Day BTYB TC Paintball
Grand Rapids Gold, TAG Accounting, Frank Fuss / My Policy Shop Insurance, Kings Room Barbershop, The Mario Flores Lakeshore Team of VanDyk Mortgage, Shoreliners Striping, Ervines Auto Repair Grand Rapids Hybrid & EV, TC Paintball
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