Sep 10 2023 58 mins
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk. If this is your first time with us, we pray that our love of the Lord and our love of hymns will be evident. This episode was prepared especially for today, September 11, 2023, on this the 22nd anniversary of the terrorist attacks on our country.
We asked our followers on social media to help us choose just the right hymn for this episode and YOU picked it. We are so happy to be diving into Abide With Me this week. What a hymn treasure!
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
Abide With Me with tune by Henry Francis Lyte
Abide With Me a novel by Elizabeth Strout
Olive Kittredge a novel by Elizabeth Strout
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May today especially have you looking to Jesus as your only source of comfort, hope, and joy. God bless you.
Because of Him,
Kerrie and Kellie
Psalm 104:33
Instagram: @hymntalktwintalk
Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk