Loki 2X03 1893

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Oct 20 2023 53 mins   14

Krewe of Loki IG: https://www.instagram.com/kreweofloki/

Beau IG: https://www.instagram.com/incognitbeau/

Lorraine IG: https://www.instagram.com/nobodyherer...

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Loki and Mobius know that Miss Minutes was working with Renslayer, so they track her TemPad on a branched timeline, first to 1868, then in 1893, at the Chicago World's Fair. There, they see Victor Timely, a variant of He Who Remains, presenting his Loom Prototype.[a] It is revealed that before his demise, He Who Remains sent Miss Minutes and Renslayer to 1868, where they would drop the TVA Manual for a young Timely to find. Timely then has three groups chasing after him: Loki and Mobius, who want to use his aura to fix the Loom; Renslayer and Miss Minutes, who want Timely to take his variant's place with them at his side, and Sylvie, who wants to kill him to prevent his rise to power. After Sylvie corners Timely, she allows Loki to take him back to the TVA, then sends Renslayer and Miss Minutes to the Citadel at the End of Time, where they see He Who Remains' corpse. Miss Minutes reveals that she knows a secret about Renslayer.