Mar 17 2024 64 mins
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and THANK YOU for tuning in to Episode 94. We are so excited to be sharing this hymn with you. We pray that this episode will be a blessing, that eyes will be opened to the truth of who Jesus is.
We are releasing this episode during the Lent Season, anticipating the celebration of our risen Lord. Many churches will be talking about Jesus and the men on the road to Emmaus in the weeks following Easter. We pray that you will hear this passage in a new way, after listening to this episode.
Here are some of the things we talk about in the episode:
In the Breaking of the Bread sheet music
Breaking Bread Catholic hymnal and Missal 2024
St. Cecilia; Or, the Power of Music
This hymn came in as a request from a loyal listener, and we love getting requests. Please let us know if you'd like to hear a particular hymn on the podcast. Find us on social media or send us an email! We'd love to hear from you!
See you in two weeks for Episode 95.
Keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
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