Jan 19 2023 21 mins 1
Stocking up for food shortages in 2023 can be intimidating! How do you stock up on the food you need for a whole year? What we do to simplify this monumental task is break it down into six categories: Grains, Protein, Fruits and Veggies, Oils/Fats, Baking Essentials, and Natural Sweeteners. This helps to organize your stockpile areas and make it easier to wrap your mind around a complicated undertaking. START NOW!
Check out our website with handmade products available for purchase:
Referral Links:
Products that we like: https://www.heartwayfarms.com/links
AMAZON STORE: https://www.amazon.com/shop/heartwayf...
Abundance Plus Link:
Discount Code: HEARTWAY10
Azure Standard Link:
Redmond Real Salt Referral Link:
Discount Code: Heartway
County Life Naturals Food- https://countrylifefoods.com/?ref=hea...
Coupon Code: HEARTWAY for 10% off all orders
ForJars: Discount Code: HEARTWAY10
ForJars USA:
ForJars Canada:
Hisea Boots and Outdoor Gear: https://shareasale.com/r.cfm?b=196800...
Discount Code: Heartway
Social Media Links:
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/heartwayfarms/
FaceBook: https://www.facebook.com/heartwayfarms/
Web: http://heartwayfarms.com/index.html
Google: http://heartway-farms.business.site/
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/@heartwayfarms
For His Name's Sake! Psalm 106:8
Music: Tracks recorded by Levi Montgomery
Heartway Farms | Stocking Up | Food Storage | Stockpiling | Desserts | Shipping | Transportation Gridlock | Supply Chain Interruption | Amish | Grandmother's Cooking | Homesteading | Homestead | Homesteaders | Healthy Meals | Shipping | Solar Minimum | Food Price Increase | Price Increase | Hyperinflation | Recipes | Easy Meals | Cookbook | Root Cellar | Canning | Azure Standard | Country Life Natural Food | Homesteaders of America | Baking | Cooking | Recipe | Recipes | ThreeRivers Pantry Challenge | Pantry Tour #threeriverschallenge FlavCity with Bobby Parrish
Property of Heartway Productions 2023