Oct 20 2022 135 mins
Oh boy did we ever have an animated chat tonight. We talked about the new Leica M6 release, shooting instant film, fav alcohols, Jesus, baby Hitler and time machines, why malt liquor is for kids, and cameras that fuck. It was nice to catch up with Abel after spending so much time in person with him over the last couple of months. Looking forward to more hangs and adventures in the future.
‘Instant Flamingos or instant flamingoes /ˈɪnstənt fləˈmɪŋɡoʊz/ / are a type of wading bird in the family Phoenicopteridae. Although originally from Chile, some specimens have been observed habiting in the Seattle metropolitan area. They are characterized by carrying antique image-capturing devices to photograph anything that calls their attention, from landscapes to people.
A group of instant flamingoes is called an "instant flamboyance."’
Follow Abel at https://www.instagram.com/instantflamingo/
Photography Chat is a weekly Instagram Live @merlindb hosts every Thursday at 5pmPST/8pmEST
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