Hi, This Week in Medicine, we will be discussing
New England Journal of Medicine
Edoxaban Antithrombotic Therapy for Atrial Fibrillation and Stable Coronary Artery Disease
Inflammation, Cholesterol, Lipoprotein(a), and 30-Year Cardiovascular Outcomes in Women
Xalnesiran with or without an Immunomodulator in Chronic Hepatitis B
Trastuzumab Deruxtecan after Endocrine Therapy in Metastatic Breast Cancer
Prenatal cfDNA Sequencing and Incidental Detection of Maternal Cancer
Journal of American Medical Association
HepB-CpG vs HepB-Alum Vaccine in People With HIV and Prior Vaccine NonresponseQuestion Does vaccination with a hepatitis B vaccine with a cytosine phosphoguanine adjuvant (HepB-CpG vaccine) improve hepatitis B virus (HBV) seroprotection in people with HIV and nonresponse to prior hepatitis B vaccine?
Message Reminders to Improve Adherence to Chronic Cardiovascular Medications
Annals of Internal Medicine
A Framework for Considering the Value of Race and Ethnicity in Estimating Disease Risk
British Medical Journal
Chocolate intake and risk of type 2 diabetes: prospective cohort studies
Balloon guide catheters for endovascular thrombectomy in patients with acute ischaemic stroke due to large-vessel occlusion in China (PROTECT-MT): a multicentre, open-label, blinded-endpoint, randomised controlled trial
Journal of Clinical Oncology
Phase III KEYNOTE-789 Study of Pemetrexed and Platinum With or Without Pembrolizumab for Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor‒Resistant, EGFR–Mutant, Metastatic Nonsquamous Non–Small Cell Lung Cancer
journal of Hepatology
Differing genetic variants associated with liver fat and their contrasting relationships with cardiovascular diseases and cancer
Atlas of Metastatic Gastric Cancer Links Ferroptosis to Disease Progression and Immunotherapy Response
Axial Spondyloarthritis in Black Americans: An Observational Study From Five Centers in Shelby County, Tennessee
Journal of Clinical Rheumatology
Anticoagulant Treatment May Decrease the Relapse Rate of Pulmonary Arterial Involvement in Behçet’s Disease
Restrictive Versus Liberal Transfusion in Patients With Type 1 or Type 2 Myocardial Infarction: A Prespecified Analysis of the MINT Trial
Journals of the American College of Cardiology
Major Bleeding and Mortality After Revascularization of Left Main Disease
Diabetes care
Clinical Prediction Models Combining Routine Clinical Measures Have High Accuracy in Identifying Youth-Onset Type 2 Diabetes Defined by Maintained Endogenous Insulin Secretion: The SEARCH for Diabetes in Youth Study
American Journal of Respiratory and Critical Care Medicine
Severity of Airflow Obstruction Based on FEV1/FVC Versus FEV1 Percent
Kidney International reports
Prognosis for Type 1 Diabetes with Diabetic Nephropathy between 2000 and 2020 - Changes in Kidney Function Decline Over Time and Development of Cardiovascular Disease, Kidney Failure, and Mortality
Evaluation of Race-Neutral Glomerular Filtration Rate Estimating Equations in an Indian Population