Jul 29 2024 68 mins 4
Join us as we Cringe to Fringe videos, mostly about fitness, wellness and musculoskeletal rehab.
In this episode, we talk a lot about the KneeOverToesGuy and our conversations with him, but also about David Weck's maracas, bodybuilders falling for fringe fitness cults, water that isn't woke (...), medieval UFC, testosterone-insecure shirtless men and more!
Hosted pretty much weekly by Physiotherapist Alexis M. Léveillé (@nobullshitphysio) Chiropractor Eliud Sierra (@the_rehab_chiro)
Thank you to our guest, coach Angus Bradley ( @angusbradley92 https://www.instagram.com/angusbradley92/?hl=en) for coming on.
Let us know what to you want us to react to in the next episode.
N.B.: for a video version of this including the studies and clips we share, go to our YouTube Channel.