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May 17 2024 2 mins  

Welcome to Short Podcasting Tips by Podcast Branding.

Simple advice to help your podcast succeed.

Episode 15: Edit and Polish Your Episodes:

Unless you have years of broadcast experience and can riff along for hours without making a single error, you should be editing your podcast.

“Keeping it raw and real,” as some people put it, is the same as announcing, “This show is unprofessional.”

In a previous episode, I talked about creating engaging content.

No matter how engaging your content is, people will turn away if you keep making mistakes, repeating yourself, stumbling over your words and talking over your guests and co-hosts.

Saying “um” or “like” every once in a while is acceptable in a podcast. But in excess, it can quickly become very tedious to listen to.

People don’t want to listen to podcasts that don’t sound good. Especially when there are so many other shows they could listen to instead of yours.

That’s why editing is essential.

Take out any mistakes, pauses, or irrelevant content to ensure a smooth listening experience.

Use music or sound effects if appropriate.

Polish for perfection!

Editing is your friend.

It’s a little more effort, but your listeners will be grateful.

If editing isn’t your thing, consider hiring someone to do it for you.

My preference is Pro Podcast Solutions at propodcastsolutions.com, but there are many other options for you to choose from.

Give them your raw audio, and let them work their magic. Their job is to make you sound great.

Now, unfortunately, I can’t help you with audio editing, but I can help with your podcast’s branding.

Visit podcastbranding.co, to see the services I offer, including podcast cover artwork and websites.

I would love to work with you to develop your show’s branding.

After all, they see you before they hear you.

Mark Des Cotes

Podcast Branding Specialist