Oct 31 2022 80 mins
Happy Hallowe'en my lovely boils and ghouls, as the final episode of the "Gateway to Halloween" event is upon us - on this glorious day of All Hallow's Eve. This week, your host puts himself through "double, double toil and trouble" as he, for the first time, watches and utters a review about the 1993 family film about a coven of sisterly witches known as HOCUS POCUS. You're gonna wanna listen to this one! It's a scream! Also on the show this week, a series of Lurker's Recommendations that are quite special to 'PostMortem', and that he'd really like you to check out. Blessed Samhain my dear sweets! May your day be full of fun tricks and treats.
*What Lurks Behind Podcast Zero can be found on social media through Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
*To email 'PostMortem' Paul, you can reach him at [email protected].