May 19 2024 67 mins
Thank you for finding Hymn Talk Twin Talk and joining us on the hymn journey surrounding this hymn treasure: Let the Lower Lights Be Burning. What a hymn!
Thank you to Ashley for suggesting this one for the podcast. It really has it all... a great hymn story, a legendary hymn writer, and effective metaphors for Christian living. We really appreciate the message behind this hymn. We want to be the lower lights!
Here are some of the things we talk about in this episode:
Let the Lower Lights Be Burning sheet music
Pull for the Shore sheet music
National Museum of the Great Lakes
@jasontoniolimusic on Instagram
Thank you for listening! If you have a suggestion for a future episode, please let us know. Find us on social media or email us at [email protected].
Thank you and keep singing!
~Kerrie & Kellie
Psalm 104:33
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Facebook: Hymn Talk Twin Talk
Twitter: @hymntalk