In this episode we leave Cordelia and travel far to the east to the old continent where we find Sophie and Skotmir as they travel the flat barren wasteland of Bloodwood. Seeking the lost dwarves of the Bearcharger clan after the fall of her childhood home, Sophie puts one dusty foot in front of the other with her chosen brother.
Thanks to our patrons, supporters and cast for keeping the story going! Patrons: Ryan Donnelly, JD Rose, Return2Sender, Brian Dowling, Corey Pfautsch, Daniel Nichols, Hayley Muñoz, Laney Flanagan, Joleen Fresquez, Stormy Cone, Rori Christenson, Jordan Thompson, Kenneth Hunt, John O'Dell, Michael Schofield, Jane V Hunt, Top of the Round, Zachary Auld, John Odell
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Appearing in this episode:
BOVIL the Dwarven Merchant - Josh Wash Whitby from
SKOTMIR the dwarven berserker - Colten Janssen
SOPHIE the Swordmaster - Fox Avalon
Keldor the Narrator and Olacul from Clan Bearcharger - Mike Atchley
Written, Produced and Directed by Mike Atchley and Joleen Fresquez
Script Editor Susan Thomas
Original Music and Sound design by Mike Atchley.
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