Jun 30 2024 63 mins 15
In this episode welcome two new guests to bring plenty of laughs (and other things that kept our censors busy) as we play games and reminisce about growing up during Generation X. Our guests are two music pros, who battle it out in 3-rounds of entertaining trivia games. We recorded this episode several months ago, so we want to thank them for their patience for waiting so long for the episode to come out. You two are for sure doing your part to save Generation X. :)
Round 1 we play What the Blank?!, with the best category name yet. Eight Is Enough round 2 topics include trivia on the movie This Is Spinal Tap, the TV show That's Incredible and lots of questions about the music of Generation X. There's so much more packed into this episode too! Round 3 was yet another fun game of Dysfunctional Family Feud.
Join the fun and the effort to save Generation X from being forgotten.
Special shout-out to former Patreon supporter: Chris from Texas. Thanks so much for the support you give the show. We hope enjoy our special shout out for you. :)
Show Notes
Check out our new website: https://www.whowillsavegenx.com/
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Venmo: @WhoWillSaveGenX
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Guest links: Dave's podcast Discograffiti can be found here: https://discograffiti.com/
Dave's Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1839109176272153
Dave's Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/discograffiti?utm_source=campaign-search-results
You can find Joe Kennedy on his Instagram @ joekennedyjr
Some of Joe's music can be found here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=J8l2kS4U8EE
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