Jan 06 2025 49 mins
His words don’t just live on a page but move through hearts and minds, awakening the deepest parts of who we are. He is a poet, an artist, & a visionary whose voice speaks to the human experience in ways that inspire, challenge, and uplift. His poetry is not just an expression, it’s an invitation—a call to embrace vulnerability, authenticity, and the beauty of our imperfect selves. He turns raw emotion into something that both heals and transforms, please help me Welcome Adam Roa to untamed & unashamed!
We discuss:
-his story
-art and vulnerability
-how his repressed trauma caused self doubt
-his openness on his social media to cry publicly
You talk about how you can already feel whats possible for you in partnership and how even if others call you idealistic or whatever else… you’re going to run towards that…
-carrying an idealization of relationship
-a fear of being misunderstood
-creative block
-the power of authenticity
-desiring crazy love
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Intro music:
Milckmusic.com (http://milckmusic.com/)
@milckmusic on TikTok, ig, fb, Twitter
Somebodysbeloved.com (http://somebodysbeloved.com/)
Reel In Motion
https://instagram.com/untamedandunashamedpodcast?utm_medium=copy_link (https://instagram.com/untamedandunashamedpodcast?utm_medium=copy_link)
Past Guests on The Untamed & Unashamed Podcast include Tom Shadyac, Stan Tatkin, Kelly Brogan, Mama Gena, Paul Selig, Alison Armstrong, Emily Fletcher, Kyle Kingsbury, Chervin Jafarieh, Layla Martin, Jillian Turecki, Gay Hendricks & more!
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