Feb 17 2021 40 mins
In this, the pilot episode, Hannah and Raz talk to Dr Esh Alladi.
Esh studied medicine at Cambridge University and worked as a doctor for a number of years before going to LAMDA to retrain as an actor. Esh’s acting credits are many and varied including shows at the National Theatre, RSC and Royal Exchange Manchester. In 2019 he won the UK Theatre Award for best supporting actor in Hobson’s Choice at the Royal Exchange Manchester. Esh predominantly works as an actor but since March 2020 he has been on the frontline as a doctor for the NHS.
In this episode, Esh talks about the stark contrast at the moment between his two careers, how one job informs the other, and how his love of musicals will no doubt dominate his memorial service. He was, by turns, funny, insightful and moving and thus a perfect first guest for the first episode of this new podcast.
* Produced and edited by Harry Winteringham harrywinteringham.uk
* Music composed by Mark Melville markmelvillemusic.com
* Created and presented by Raz Shaw and Hannah Harris
* “Being Alive” from the musical Company by Stephen Sondheim, sung by Esh Alladi
* Desiderata by Max Ehrmann, read by Dr Ramana Alladi
* Desiderata by Max Ehrmann, read by Dr Ramana Alladi