This year, The Conduit has partnered with the Johnson & Johnson Center for Health Worker Innovation to create a podcast series that explores the meaning of care in different communities around the world. From physicians to directors, community workers to advocates, we will be talking to individuals on the ground to discover answers to the question, “what is the point of care?”
This episode focuses on the role of Community Health Workers in Brazil, also known as Community Health Agents. Unlike some other countries, community healthcare is a verified and formalized field of work in Brazil, thanks to an initiative called the Family Health Strategy that legally recognized Community Health Agents in 2002.
Paul’s guest is Ewerton Nunes, Global Community Impact Manager for Johnson & Johnson. Ewerton has led social impact work at Johnson & Johnson for 8 years, working to uplift the stories and voices of Community Health Agents to better represent the full picture of what community health work looks like in Brazil. He is also the co-creator of A Casa, an organization designed to provide resources, support, and spaces for knowledge-sharing to Community Health Agents throughout Brazil.