S5 Ep3: Jennifer Elworthy - Fertility and Career Coach

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Oct 30 2023 27 mins  
Jennifer is a career and fertility coach, after going through her own personal experiences of recurrent miscarriage, ectopic pregnancy and fertility treatment in the workplace, she knew there was more support that needed to be offered.

Her employed career saw Jennifer navigating the world of marketing, working with a few familiar brands including BBC, ITV and News UK. Jennifer consults for media, tech and fertility companies on brand and marketing strategy alongside her pioneering work to support women navigating how to blend fertility issues and treatment with their career.

In this episode I heard a phrase that will never leave me - ‘we coach from the scar, not the wound’. Oh I wish I’d have had a mic to pass to Jennifer so she could have dropped it! We also talked about how important language is (and Jennifer shared one of her personal pet hates), the impact on timing when it comes to coaching people going through fertility challenges and the boundaries she holds.

Jennifer also generously shared her tips for workplaces - policies get a mention, but so does the importance of generally being a good person and listener too. There’s a question all line managers can ask thrown in for good measure too.

What I loved about this chat (and hope you will too) was Jennifer’s own personal story alongside what it means to support people who want to become a parent whilst juggling the workplace.

You can find out more about Jennifer’s work by visiting her website or connecting on LinkedIn or instagram. She also shared with me after the conversation that the IVF network are launching a template policy for employers too - so here’s a link to their website.